# Static IPs and geolocalization


Proxy Backconnect is deprecated. Make the smart switch to Smart Proxy for speedier, stealthier browsing and AI-driven ban avoidance.

If you require to maintain sessions between requests, you can lock static IPs in the proxy.

The Proxy API for static IPs is rate limited to 1 req / 5min / country.

If no country is requested, the rate limit is 1 req / 5min.

Please note: static IPs and geolocalization might not be available in your package. Please make sure your package allows it.

# Get new static IP

Gives a port to use for the proxy proxy.crawlbase.com in JSON format with the duration of the IP bind in seconds.

The session duration gets automatically extended as long as the IP is used within the specified time.

curl "https://api.crawlbase.com/proxy/static?token=_USER_TOKEN_"

Example response:

{ "port": 1234, "host": "proxy.crawlbase.com", "session_time": 10 }

# Geolocalization

Request a static IP from a specific location.

The country code must be in 2 letter ISO standard. Examples: US, RU, GB, IT...

It might happen that no static port is available for the requested country.

Please note: depending on your package you might be limited to only some countries.

curl "https://api.crawlbase.com/proxy/static?token=_USER_TOKEN_&country=FR"

Example response:

{ "port": 4551, "host": "proxy.crawlbase.com", "session_time": 10 }